It's SUMMERRRRR! The days are long, yet they still have only 24 hours. As a child, summer for me meant play all day into the evening, dancing around in the rain showers and just doing whatever.
When school would let out for the season I used to make a list of all the things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go before the dreaded return to classes in the fall. Yes, I was one of those kids who had a meltdown the eve before the 1st day back nearly every year.
Now things are a bit different. Of course, I eventually grew out of the meltdown thing and learned to enjoy the return to routine, but there's no major "I'm free!" moment every year with endless amounts of freedom when you're an adult with responsibilities like work, family and self-care (don't forget that one!).
It's still important to harness moments of freedom when you can, though. And what better time to do so than in summer? Even more so, I like to express gratitude for those moments. Cherishing the good instead of harping on the bad is a solid mentality to take in the pursuit of positivity and mindfulness (which is what we're trying to do here, right?).
Here's to a summer of freedom-filled moments and an abundance of gratitude. I'll leave you with some "summer list" activities to inspire your plans.
plant a vegetable garden
go to the beach
paint with watercolors
read a book, for fun
make lemonade
be a tourist in your own city
visit a farmer's market
start a journal
watch the clouds float by
take a swim
eat some fresh fruit
build a sandcastle
take in a free concert
go on a roadtrip
have a picnic
try yoga at dawn
skip some rocks
take a nature walk
pick fresh flowers
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